Out with the old, in with the new
It's been almost three years since we launched this online pseudo-shop. What started out as a hobby became a... well, it's still something that keeps me busy. And BUSY, I have been indeed. It had to lay dormant for a while, what with me getting pregnant and all. But it's up and running again. Yey!
What prompted its resurrection? Two words: Christmas Vacation.
Unemployment doesn't seem to suit me. Too much spare time drives me bonkers. So, to while away my time, but not so much that I leave Alex completely in the hands of his yaya, we decided that I go back to school to pursue a second degree. Kept me busy A LOT. But come Christmas vacation and no assignments or projects to keep me preoccupied, I started getting restless again. And the result is this:

Had to contact a boatload of sellers so we'd have tons of things for sale... So if you have time, drop by our "new" site. It's pretty.