Phooey to "The Anti-Corporal Punishment Law of 2007"
There are days when I just wish I can give a kid a smack upside the head. I know I've said this a million times, but I still feel like saying it again - This job is so frustrating! And the students are so disappointing.
Makes you wonder why kids nowadays have no respect for authority (on top of every-bad-thing else). Maybe it's because the world started prohibiting corporal punishment! Not that I have any plans of spanking Alex... but it gives us something to think about, eh? Why are people of the older generation morally "superior" compared to our young'uns? Maybe it's because parents stopped spanking their children...
Really... some parents nowadays are doing a fuck-up job of raising their kids. During the Parents-Teacher meeting, one mom asked me to help her discipline her son. She asked me to tell him that if he commits another offense, the school will suspend him for a week (which will happen when HELL FREEZES OVER! **) When I told her that it might help if she refrained from giving him computer rental money instead, so he won't have a choice but to go home early, she told me that it's too harsh and her son might rebel against her. Hello, mommy?! Wake up and smell your son's failing grades! He IS rebelling against you NOW... You supply your son with the means to oppose you, then you get mad when you see the consequence. Really! And to ask me to lie (para ako yung kontrabida) is just wrong.
** suspension in our school is a myth... One student had the gall to tell his teacher, "T*angina mo, eh kung banatan kita dyan," and all he got was a stern lecture from the principal. Cheating will and can only be penalized by grade deductions (minus 5 on whatever test they were caught cheating on). I remember, back in high school, if anybody gets caught cheating, he or she will get an automatic zero in that test and a failing grade in deportment. What happened to that rule? It works! Honestly, this school is breeding criminals-to-be.
If only more moms and dads would take the time to introduce the concept of discipline and responsibility to their kids, teachers all over the world will have a much easier time. Let's take this kid's mom for example, she made him stand with this sign after he misbehaved in class:

Full story here. I'm still undecided whether the punishment was too harsh, but like what the experts say, her heart was in the right place. My students' hearts, on the other hand, will never be in the right place... because they don't have any.